Snail Mail Strategies for Events Planning

While the majority of businesses tend to focus their efforts on digital marketing strategies, such as email campaigns and social media ads, snail mail can still be a powerful way to reach new prospects and retain current ones. In fact, when executed properly, snail mail can outperform most digital marketing tactics.

When it comes to snail mail, a personalized touch is key. Using physical materials such as handwritten notes and gifts can make your potential clients feel seen and special, which can be difficult to do in an email inbox with countless advertisements and promotions fighting for their attention.

Furthermore, snail mail offers a unique opportunity to draw in your target audience by offering them a direct call to action, which may be a discount on a product or service, a direct line for reaching you or even a free gift with the company’s logo on it (e.g. a hat or t-shirt). Including a QR code for easy tracking can also be helpful for businesses looking to gather data on the campaign’s success.

With that in mind, don’t be afraid to incorporate snail mail into your events planning marketing strategy — as long as you follow these tips. Incorporating a targeted approach, proper marketplace planning, explicit promotion tactics, and customer tracking will help you see results that can outperform those of your digital marketing counterparts.


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